
Lara, J., de Sojo, A., Aljawarneh, S., Schumaker, R. and Al-Shargabi, B., (2020). Developing Big Data Projects in Open University Engineering Courses:Lessons Learned. IEEE Access. 8(1):22988-23001

Grenier, E., Fair, C. and Schumaker, R., (2014). Social Media – Is it a Valid Source for Creating New Business?. Journal of Creative Communications. 9(2):147-159

Schumaker, R., (2011). From Data to Wisdom- The Progression of Computational Learning in Text Mining. Communications of the International Information Management Association. 11(1):39-48

Schumaker, R. and Chen, H., (2007). Leveraging Question Answer Technology to Address Terrorism Inquiry. Decision Support Systems. 43(4):1419-1430

Schumaker, R., Liu, Y., Ginsburg, M. and Chen, H., (2007). Evaluating the Efficacy of a Terrorism Question Answer System- The TARA Project. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery. 50(7):74-80

Schumaker, R., Liu, Y., Ginsburg, M. and Chen, H., (2006). Evaluating Mass Knowledge Acquisition using the ALICE Chatterbot. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 64(11):1132-1140

Schumaker, R., Ginsburg, M., Chen, H. and Liu, Y., (2006). An Evaluation of the Chat and Knowledge Delivery Components of a Low-Level Dialog System- The AZ-ALICE Experiment. Decision Support Systems. 42(4):2236-2246

Nail, M., Ugone, C., King, C., Schumaker, R. and Conn, M.E., (2016). Predicting Opening Weekend Box Office Success: Using Social Media Sentiment and YouTube Data. 27th Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA-2016). September 2016. Taipei, Taiwan

Fields, A., Shorthouse, A. and Schumaker, R., (2013). Everything has its Price- Privacy Concerns and Rewards for using Mobile Location. 24th Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA-2013). October 2013. New Rochelle, NY

Gagnon, J., Gray, S., Khalaf, L. and Schumaker, R., (2013). How Universities can use Social Media as an Information Tool. 24th Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA-2013). October 2013. New Rochelle, NY

Schumaker, R., (2011). From Data to Wisdom- The Progression of Computational Learning in Text Mining. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA-2011). October 2011. New Orleans, LA

McDonald, D., Chen, H. and Schumaker, R., (2005). Transforming Open-Source Documents to Terror Networks- The Arizona TerrorNet. American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference Spring Symposium (AAAI-2005). March 2005. Stanford, CA

Reid, E., Qin, J., Chung, W., Xu, J., Zhou, Y., Schumaker, R., Sageman, M. and Chen, H., (2004). Terrorism Knowledge Discovery Project- A Knowledge Discovery Approach to Addressing the Threats of Terrorism. IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-2004). June 2004. Tucson, AZ
Book Chapters

Schumaker, R. and Chen, H., (2006). “Case Study 17- A Dialog System for Terrorism Resources,” in Chen; H., Intelligence and Security Informatics for International Security- Information Sharing and Data Mining, pp 136-139 New York- Springer
Posters and Demonstrations

Conneen, W., Vega, L., Veronin, M. and Schumaker, R., (2023). Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Opioid Abuse in Hospital Settings. Eighth Annual Research Lyceum at the University of Texas at Tyler, April 2023. Tyler, TX.

Schumaker, R., Chen, H., Wang, T. and Wilkerson, J., (2005). Terror Tracker System- A Web Portal for Terrorism Research. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL-2005), June 2005. Denver, CO.

Schumaker, R. and Chen, H., (2005). Question Answer TARA- A Terorrism Activity Resource Application. IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-2005), May 2005. Atlanta, GA.