Capstone (COSC 4375 / CSCI 4385 / COSC 4395)

Course Description:
For COSC 4375:
An integrated perspective of the problems in today’s information systems environment, concentration on contemporary design, methodologies, and considerations unique to users of computers and information systems. Prerequisites: COSC 3375, COSC 3385 and COSC 4325.

For CSCI 4385:
An integrated perspective of the problems in today’s information systems software development environment, concentration on contemporary design, methodologies, and considerations unique to users of computers and information systems. Prerequisites: COSC 3315 and COSC 3385.

For COSC 4395:
This course offers students the opportunity to integrate their knowledge of the undergraduate computer science curriculum by implementing a significant software system as part of a programming team. Prerequisites: COSC 3315, COSC 3325, COSC 3345, COSC 4315, COSC 4336, COSC 4360, COSC 4385.

Please download and review the sample syllabus for this class today to review detailed specifics about this class including course structure, grading, project due dates and the course philosophy.